family law contract, contractual constructions, family legal relations, theory of contract, criteria for distinguishing a contract.Abstract
The article examines the peculiarities of the classification of family law contracts. The main scientific approaches to the classification of family law contracts are analyzed, as well as the criteria for distinguishing the latter are formed and proposed. It is noted that the traditional division of family law contracts into named and unnamed is determined by the peculiarities of the relationship between family and civil legislation and the principle of freedom of contract. The author focuses attention on the application of the general theory of the contract in family law due to insufficient development, therefore, the separation of the criteria for distinguishing the latter in accordance with the provisions of civil science, currently defined as optimal and permissible. This testifies to the peculiarities of family-legal relations and the existence of its own target priorities in this area. The author draws attention to the «established civil criteria», which must definitely take into account the peculiarities of relations in the field of family law. It was determined that the independent nature of the classification of contracts in the family sphere is due to the peculiarities of their enforcement in practice. It is noted that in the doctrine of family law there are many approaches and criteria for the classification and delimitation of family law contracts, which complicates the procedure for their conclusion, certification and execution. The author focuses on the fact that the mentioned approaches to the classification of family law contracts are somewhat rudimentary and do not correspond to the modern trend of the development of family and civil law. It is argued that family legislation in general is characterized by a weak development of contractual structures, which cannot but be reflected in law enforcement practice. The use of contractual models of civil law can be applied only partially with mandatory consideration of the peculiarities of family legal relations. The author suggests establishing at the legislative level uniform criteria for the classification of family law contracts, as this is necessary for the practical application of family contractual structures.
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