international protection of human rights, participants in hostilities, human rights, international legal standards for the protection of human rights, international law, international humanitarian law.Abstract
The article examines the legal and organizational foundations of the international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities. The author's interpretation of the international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities as regulated by international law is the activity of international organizations to protect the rights of participants in hostilities in the process of their disarmament, demobilization and reintegration. The main elements of the mechanism of international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities are studied. The system of international bodies for the international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities is defined. A system of basic international agreements is defined, the norms of which are aimed at establishing international legal standards for the protection of the rights of participants in hostilities. International treaties that regulate the procedure for protecting the rights of combatants are divided into those that protect the rights of participants in hostilities and those that protect the social, economic, and other rights of participants in hostilities after the end of hostilities. Social, economic and political forms of international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities are studied. Attention is drawn to the fact that the international practice of reintegration of participants in hostilities is formed from the doctrine of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, therefore the reintegration of participants in hostilities in Ukraine must take into account international standards. Problematic issues of implementing the mechanism of international protection of the rights of participants in hostilities into national law and the activities of state authorities are analyzed.
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