language of law, law, legal text, understanding of law, legal linguistics.Abstract
The relevance of the article is stipulated by the necessity to involve in jurisprudence the results of research obtained by intersectoral science – legal linguistics, the provisions of which are an important methodological basis for knowledge of law in postmodern society. The aim of the paper is to elucidate the importance of understanding law in modern conditions by means of legal and linguistic theory. It is noted that in the conditions of postmodern society objects and phenomena are perceived through different discourses, actualizing the issue of hermeneutics. Including in the field of epistemology of legal phenomena and processes. The papers of domestic scholars, the object of which is the issue of legal linguistics and which are divided into two groups are analyzed: papers of specialists in the field of linguistics (in these papers the attention of scholars focuses on linguistic features of legal texts - stylistics, morphology, etc.) and legal publications on certain aspects of legal linguistics. It is substantiated that within the framework of domestic jurisprudence the subject of legal and linguistic theory as a component of jurisprudence and, accordingly, the perception of law by means of the provisions of legal linguistics is poorly studied. Emphasis is placed on the fact that legal and linguistic theory, as a component of jurisprudence, provides an understanding of law, legal phenomena and processes by means of the social and cultural context in general and language, in particular, which connects it with theories of law understanding and law enforcement. It is the paradigmatic nature of legal and linguistic theory that allows us to perceive legal phenomena in a new way. It is emphasized that the legal and linguistic theory of jurisprudence does not consider law separately, language separately, and does not emphasize one of these objects; within it there is a single object - law and language. It is summarized that in the conditions of postmodern society there is a rethinking of social phenomena, including law. Hermeneutic interpretation becomes crucial epistemological tool of the humanities. In the awareness that legal phenomena and processes are not limited to the text of the legal act, and law is interpreted as an act of speech communication, it is legal linguistics that could become an adequate response to modern challenges.
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