legality, discipline, control, public control, public, police, patrol police, guarantees, administrative-legal guarantees, guarantees of legality.Abstract
In the article, based on the analysis of the current legislation of Ukraine and the practice of its application, the theoretical understanding of a number of scientific works from various fields of knowledge, the essence, significance and peculiarities of ensuring discipline and legality in the activities of the patrol police based on the application of a number of administrative and legal guarantees are clarified. The direct dependence of the effectiveness of the implementation of administrative and legal guarantees as tools for ensuring legality and discipline in the activities of the patrol police has been proven. The characteristic features of legal guarantees of ensuring legality and discipline in police activity have been established, among which: first, their mandatory normative consolidation, because the guarantees are fixed by the legislator in normative acts and, by virtue of this, acquire a legal character; secondly, the creation by the state of a system of legal means that contribute to the legitimate realization of the legal status of police officers; thirdly, they act as concrete, specific legal norms regulating police activity. The essence and types of guarantees of compliance with discipline and legality in the activities of the patrol police are clarified, which are combined into two groups: general-social and special (normative, organizational, financial-economic, material-technical, professional-competent, psychological-professional), at the same time, the meaning and features of each of them are clarified. A number of proposals and recommendations aimed at increasing the effectiveness of administrative and legal enforcement of lawfulness and discipline in the activities of the patrol police have been formulated, including by: stopping the practice of using statistical, quantitative indicators to evaluate the activities of patrol police officers; continuing the development of external and internal mechanisms of control over police activities, as mentioned above, in particular with the participation of experts, representatives of civil society, focusing on measures that would make it possible to effectively prevent police abuse of power, etc.
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