


domestic violence, forensic characteristics, ways of committing the crime, traces of the crime, the circumstances of the crime.


The article discusses ways of committing domestic violence; traces arising after the use of one or another method and the environment in which the specified crime is committed. The methods of committing: physical violence, which consists in inflicting bodily injuries that can lead to the death of the victim, violation of physical or mental health, damage to his honor and dignity, are considered separately. Psychological violence, which is related to the effect on the psyche of a person through verbal insults or threats, harassment, intimidation, which intentionally causes emotional insecurity, the inability to protect oneself and may cause or is causing damage to mental health; economic violence, which consists in depriving a person of food, clothing and other property or funds to which the victim has a legal right, which can lead to his death, cause a violation of physical or mental health. Traces of domestic violence are considered in a broad sense, namely, traces of struggle: a mess in the room, overturned furniture, broken glass, dishes, scattered clothes, etc. It has been established that the traces of domestic violence can be material and ideal. Ideal traces of domestic violence are formed in the memory of the participants of the criminal event. The types of identified traces are specified in relation to the method of committing the crime. When analyzing the situation of domestic violence, it was established that its structure includes the place and time of the crime, the moral and psychological relations of the subjects of the offense and their environment, the social and psychological environment in which the offender is located and influences his actions, as well as the socio-political situation in the country.


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How to Cite

GRISHKO, Y. (2024). METHODS, PATTERN AND CIRCUMSTANCES OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 286–292.

