forensic examination, consumer goods, determination of the value of goods, commodity expert, principles of evaluation, protection of consumer rights, evaluation algorithm.Abstract
Recently, in connection with a significant increase in the number of falsified or counterfeit goods, as well as in connection with an increase in the number of cases of providing low-quality services, an urgent need arose on the Ukrainian market to carry out an examination of consumer goods in cases of consumer rights protection, when one of the main one of the questions that arise during the forensic examination is the determination of the value of the goods submitted for examination. The purpose of the article is to consider the general principles and develop an algorithm for evaluating the value of consumer goods by a forensic expert in consumer protection cases, taking into account such goods. The principles that should be followed when evaluating the value of consumer goods are characterized, namely: utility, supply and demand, substitution, expectation, marginal contribution to productivity, the most efficient use. It is noted that the market value and non-market types of value are determined by law for the sale of consumer goods. It is emphasized that the forensic expert in commodity studies uses those methodological approaches that most fully correspond to the purpose of the assessment and the type of value of the goods (if there are reliable sources of information for its implementation). The methodological approaches used by the expert to estimate the value of the product were analyzed: cost, profit, comparative. The proposed algorithm for determining the value of widely used goods by a forensic expert-commodity expert in consumer protection cases; includes the following stages: 1) obtaining a task, setting a goal and developing a research program; 2) establishment of commodity characteristics, commodity condition and other indicators of product quality; 3) determination of the initial price; 4) quality level research (detection of existing defects or damage); 5) clarification of consumer characteristics of the product; summarization of information and calculation of the market value as of the valuation date; 6) drawing up the conclusion of the forensic medical examination.
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