interrogation, criminal offenses, serious crimes, organization, planning, investigative (search) actions, tactics, tactical reception.Abstract
Coordination of the activities of bodies and units of the National Police of Ukraine during disclosure and investigation of criminal offenses. The scientific article is devoted to the coverage of problematic issues of interaction between bodies and units of the National Police during the disclosure and investigation of criminal offenses. Attention is paid to the creation of a modern effective system of forensic support of interaction between police units. Such a system requires mandatory summarization of law enforcement practice materials and analysis of scientific developments to formulate the most effective ways and methods of its application. Attention is focused on defining the concept and essence of interaction. Timely and high-quality interaction of the bodies and units of the National Police ensures timely disclosure and quick investigation of criminal offenses. Systematic and coordinated activity of employees of various departments allows to carry out individual investigative (search) actions quickly and rationally, to obtain the necessary amount of evidentiary information. The activity of uncovering and investigating criminal offenses requires law enforcement officers to plan their actions quite clearly, especially at the initial stage of their investigation. Considering this, the development of practical recommendations for the interaction of the bodies and units of the National Police is one of the important directions for achieving the goal of criminal proceedings. The main forms of interaction in criminal proceedings are disclosed. The main organizational and procedural forms of interaction between the investigator and operative units during the investigation of criminal offenses are defined. Procedural forms of interaction include: a) execution by the operational unit of the investigator’s instructions regarding the verification by operational-investigative means of information that is important for establishing the presence or absence of grounds for entering information into the ERDR based on operational materials; b) execution of the instructions of the investigator on conducting investigative (search) actions and covert investigative (search) actions. Among the organizational forms of cooperation in the investigation of criminal offenses, the following are distinguished: a) joint activity as part of investigative and operational groups; b) mutual exchange of operational information between the investigator and employees of operational units; c) joint planning of the initial stage of the investigation and priority procedural actions; d) use of forensic and operational-technical means, etc.
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