public control, classification, principles of general law, sectoral principles, inter-sectoral principles, institutional.Abstract
The study deals with the institute of public control over police activities and the main provisions regarding the principles on which the institute is built. It is noted that the concept of principles is used in various scientific fields, by researchers in philosophy, public administration, etc., the study examines the concept of a legal principle and, on the basis of already existing research, indicates the content of the concept of principles of public control over police activities. The concept of public control is considered by researchers from various scientific fields (administrative law, public administration, political science, etc.). Interpretations of the concept of legal principles by various Ukrainian and foreign researchers are also considered. It is indicated that in the scientific literature, during the definition of the concept of the principles of law, two concepts formed in the legal doctrine stood out (the first is built on the principles of positivism, and the second originates from the idea of natural law). Based on the general concept of public control over police activity as a mechanism of participation of representatives of civil society (individual and/or collective subjects) in control over police activity defined by administrative and legal norms, the concept of the principles of public control over police activity was formulated. Thus, the principles of public control over police activities are the guiding and fundamental principles, ideas and provisions contained in the norms of the Institute of Public Control over Police Activities and determine the content of the mechanism of public participation in the control of such activities. It is noted that several main groups of principles of public control over police activities can be distinguished: common law; interdisciplinary; industry; institutional, which in turn can be divided into general institutional and special institutional principles.
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