cultural space, service, accounting and registration tool, license, state register, national property.Abstract
In order to provide the population with high-quality cultural services, it is necessary to allocate administrative and legal means that will help to visualize the picture of the system of administrative and legal means and allow to provide quality cultural services to the population. The system and classification of administrative and legal means of providing the population with cultural services are considered. The concept of «means» is defined in the analysis of scientific works. Means of improving methods of providing the population with cultural services are proposed. It is proposed to adopt the Unified portal for providing the population with cultural services and the State Program for cultural development. The need for active intervention of the state and various institutions of civil society in solving the priority tasks of the organization of culture and art through the provision of high-quality and accessible cultural services to the population and the use by the public administration of administrative and legal means of protection (preservation, collection and research of cultural values), creative (creating new artistic values), humanitarian (promoting the formation of value orientations of individuals, social groups and society in general), instrumental (creating a diverse product capable of satisfying the cultural needs of the population) direction. Modern determinants of the inhibition of the development of the cultural environment and the level of provision of quality cultural services to the population have been identified, including: lack of equal conditions for access of Ukrainian citizens to services of a cultural nature; devaluation of generally recognized cultural values and landmarks.
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