


economic safety, progressive technology of continuous excavation, system of automated management of technological processes, mining and ore production, foundation mixture.


The mining industry appears to be one of the important branches of development of modern Ukraine. The use of automated process control systems and the use of digital quality control technologies – is the main direction of industry development. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods of automated control of the process of preparation of multicomponent mixtures, simulation models of component systems are developed. The model uses normally distributed random values of component costs as input values. Extensive use of graph theory in solving this problem greatly simplifies the achievement of the goal. In the underground development of mineral deposits (copper, zinc, gold, platinum and others) an important role is given to the advanced technology of continuous excavation with the laying of the produced space by the hardening mixture. This is due to the fact that bookmarking systems ensure maximum mining in the use of their deposits (costs do not exceed 3-5 %) and the creation of safe working conditions for miners, subsoil protection and the environment. High rates of ore extraction with the simultaneous solution of social, economic and environmental problems determine that the use of this technology is extracted most of the precious and minerals in advanced countries (France, Canada, Australia, USA, Sweden and Ukraine). This technology, however, is effective only if the created mixtures and artificial arrays have the necessary strength characteristics. Reducing the strength of the laid array is unacceptable provided the safe conduct of mining operations, or indicates the theft of valuable components. The article systematizes the results of theoretical and experimental studies of creating models of a multicomponent system of preparation of the mortar, providing the desired characteristics of the mixture and the artificial mass in general, eliminates the possibility of theft of highly liquid components of the mixture.


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How to Cite

Vyshnia, V., Kandel, B., & Makhnytskyi, O. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS OF MULTICOMPONENT DOSING SYSTEMS. Scientific Bulletin of Dnipro State University of Internal Affairs, (1), 331–339.